Subscription Tracking

Low Balance Alerts

Personalized Insights

Payment Monitoring


Predictive Forecasts


We are supercharging Africans in the Diaspora

Meet the world's first AI assistant tailored for the African diaspora. KredeteAi empowers you with personalized finance tools to help navigate and optimize your fiscal landscape in the US

Get the app

Subscription Tracking

Keep tabs on subscriptions to avoid unwanted charges.

Low Balance Alerts

Get alerted before your balance runs low.

Personalized Insights

Receive tailored advice to grow your finances.

Payment Monitoring

Never miss a payment with intelligent reminders.


Your AI crafts and tracks budgets, making saving simple.

Predictive Forecasts

Plan ahead with AI-powered forecasts for smarter financial decisions.

Instantly send support,
fuel a passion,
or reinforce a bond